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Download The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield in PDF EPUB - Free and Easy

Diane Setterfield: The Thirteenth Tale

If you are looking for a captivating and mysterious novel that will keep you hooked until the end, you might want to check out The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. This debut novel was published in 2006 and became an instant bestseller, selling over three million copies worldwide. It was also adapted into a TV film starring Vanessa Redgrave and Olivia Colman in 2013.

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But who is Diane Setterfield and what is The Thirteenth Tale about? In this article, we will give you an overview of the author and her book, as well as some insights into its themes, characters, literary influences, and online availability. Read on to find out more!

What is The Thirteenth Tale about?

The Thirteenth Tale is a Gothic mystery that revolves around two women: Margaret Lea, a young biographer who is haunted by her own past, and Vida Winter, a famous novelist who is dying and wants to tell her true life story for the first time. As Margaret listens to Vida's tale, she is drawn into a dark and twisted world of secrets, lies, and family drama.

The story begins with Margaret receiving a letter from Vida Winter, inviting her to write her biography. Margaret is surprised by this request, as she has never met Vida before and knows very little about her. She decides to accept the offer, hoping to find out more about the elusive author who has created various false identities for herself over the years.

Margaret travels to Vida's isolated mansion, where she meets the old and frail writer. Vida tells her that she wants to reveal the truth about her childhood, which she has never shared with anyone before. She says that she has written twelve stories in her career, but there is one more story that she has never written: the thirteenth tale. This is the story of her life, and it is the most shocking and tragic of all.

Vida's story takes Margaret back to the 1940s, when Vida was born as Adeline March, the daughter of a wealthy family who lived in a crumbling estate called Angelfield. Vida recounts the events that shaped her life, from her abusive and neglectful parents, to her twin sister Emmeline, to her mysterious governess Miss Winter, to the fire that destroyed Angelfield and changed everything.

As Margaret listens to Vida's story, she becomes fascinated and disturbed by the similarities and differences between their lives. She also starts to question Vida's reliability and honesty, wondering if she is telling the truth or fabricating another fiction. She decides to investigate Vida's past, hoping to find some clues and answers. But what she discovers is more shocking and horrifying than she ever imagined.

Why is The Thirteenth Tale a bestseller?

The Thirteenth Tale is a book that appeals to many readers for different reasons. Some of the factors that contribute to its popularity are:

  • It is a well-written and well-crafted novel that combines elements of mystery, suspense, romance, and horror. It has a complex and intriguing plot that keeps the reader guessing until the end. It also has a rich and vivid language that creates a captivating atmosphere and mood.

  • It is a homage to the classic novels of the 19th century, especially the works of the Brontë sisters. It references and borrows from many literary traditions and genres, such as the Gothic novel, the bildungsroman, the fairy tale, and the ghost story. It also explores some of the themes and issues that are relevant to modern readers, such as identity, memory, trauma, and family.

  • It is a celebration of the power and magic of books and storytelling. It portrays books as sources of comfort, escape, inspiration, and transformation. It also shows how stories can shape our lives and influence our perception of reality. It invites the reader to reflect on their own relationship with books and stories.

According to Diane Setterfield, she wrote The Thirteenth Tale as a tribute to her love of reading and writing. She said: "I wanted to write a book that would make people feel about books what I feel about them: that they are wonderful things."

How does The Thirteenth Tale explore the power of storytelling?

One of the main themes of The Thirteenth Tale is storytelling. The book is full of stories within stories, as Vida tells Margaret her life story, which includes stories from other characters, such as Miss Winter, Aurelius Love, Hester Barrow, and John-the-Dig. The book also plays with the idea of metafiction, or fiction that draws attention to its own fictional nature.

The book shows how storytelling can have different functions and effects on people. For example:

  • Storytelling can be a way of coping with pain and trauma. Vida uses stories as a way of escaping from her unhappy childhood and creating alternative realities for herself. She also uses stories as a way of healing and reconciling with her past.

  • Storytelling can be a way of expressing oneself and communicating with others. Vida uses stories as a way of revealing her true identity and emotions to Margaret. She also uses stories as a way of connecting with her readers and fans.

  • Storytelling can be a way of influencing and manipulating others. Vida uses stories as a way of hiding her secrets and lies from Margaret. She also uses stories as a way of controlling and shaping other people's lives.

The book also shows how storytelling can have different consequences and implications for people. For example:

  • Storytelling can be a source of pleasure and joy. Margaret enjoys listening to Vida's stories and immersing herself in her world. She also enjoys reading books and writing biographies.

  • Storytelling can be a source of confusion and doubt. Margaret struggles to distinguish between truth and fiction in Vida's stories. She also struggles to understand her own identity and history.

  • Storytelling can be a source of danger and harm. Vida's stories cause pain and suffering to herself and others. They also lead to violence and destruction.

How does The Thirteenth Tale portray the relationship between truth and fiction?

Another major theme of The Thirteenth Tale is the relationship between truth and fiction. The book challenges the idea that there is a clear and objective distinction between reality and imagination. Instead, it suggests that truth and fiction are intertwined and interdependent.

The book illustrates this theme through various examples and techniques. For example:

  • The book blurs the boundaries between genres and styles. It mixes elements of realism and fantasy, history and fiction, biography and autobiography. It also switches between different modes of narration, such as first-person and third-person, past and present, oral and written.

  • The book questions the reliability and authority of sources and documents. It shows how books, letters, photographs, newspapers, and records can be incomplete, inaccurate, or fabricated. It also shows how memory, perception, and interpretation can be faulty, biased, or influenced by emotions.

  • The book explores the role of imagination and creativity in shaping reality. It shows how people can invent or modify their own stories and identities to suit their needs and desires. It also shows how stories can affect and change reality in unexpected ways.

The book does not offer a definitive answer or resolution to the question of truth and fiction. Instead, it leaves it open to the reader's judgment and imagination. It invites the reader to consider the value and meaning of both truth and fiction in their own lives.

Who are the main characters in The Thirteenth Tale?

The Thirteenth Tale features a large and diverse cast of characters, each with their own personality, background, and role in the story. Here are some of the main characters:

Margaret Lea

Margaret Lea is the protagonist and narrator of the book. She is a young woman who works as a biographer and a bookshop assistant. She lives with her father in London, where they run an antiquarian bookshop. She has a passion for books and reading, especially biographies.

Margaret has a troubled past that haunts her throughout the book. She was born with a conjoined twin sister who died shortly after birth. She never knew about her sister until she found her birth certificate when she was ten years old. She felt betrayed by her parents for hiding this from her, especially her mother who became distant and cold after the incident.

Margaret agrees to write Vida Winter's biography because she is curious about her life and secrets. She also hopes to find some answers to her own questions about her identity and family. She develops a complex relationship with Vida, who becomes a mentor, a friend, and a rival to her.

Vida Winter

Vida Winter is the narrator of the thirteenth tale. She is an old and famous novelist who has written twelve bestselling books in her career. She is known for her brilliant storytelling skills and her mysterious persona. She has never revealed her true name or background to anyone before.

Vida has a tragic past that she has hidden for decades. She was born as Adeline March, the daughter of a wealthy family who lived in Angelfield. She had a twin sister named Emmeline, who was her only companion in their lonely and abusive childhood. She also had a governess named Miss Winter, who taught her how to read and write stories.

Vida decides to tell Margaret her life story because she is dying and wants to confess her sins before she dies. She also wants to leave behind a legacy that will be remembered by future generations. She chooses Margaret as her biographer because she sees something of herself in her.

The Angelfield family

The Angelfield family is the main subject of Vida's story. They are a dysfunctional family who lived in Angelfield, a decaying estate in the countryside. They have a history of madness, incest, violence, and death.

The Angelfield family consists of:

  • Charlie March: The patriarch of the family. He was a cruel and selfish man who married his cousin Isabelle. He had affairs with other women, including his sister-in-law Matilda. He died in a fire that he started himself.

  • Isabelle March: The matriarch of the family. She was a beautiful and willful woman who married Charlie. She had two children with him, Adeline and Emmeline, but she neglected and abandoned them. She died of a drug overdose.

  • Matilda March: The sister of Isabelle. She was a quiet and gentle woman who loved Charlie. She had a son with him, John-the-Dig, but she gave him away to a farmer. She died of a heart attack.

  • Adeline March: The daughter of Charlie and Isabelle. She was a wild and feral child who had a strong bond with her twin sister Emmeline. She was also a gifted storyteller who invented stories to cope with her reality. She changed her name to Vida Winter after escaping from Angelfield.

  • Emmeline March: The daughter of Charlie and Isabelle. She was a wild and feral child who had a strong bond with her twin sister Adeline. She was also a simple and innocent child who believed in the stories that Adeline told her. She died in a fire that Adeline started.

What are some of the literary influences and references in The Thirteenth Tale?

The Thirteenth Tale is a book that pays homage to many other books and authors, especially from the 19th century. It contains numerous references and allusions to various works of literature, both explicitly and implicitly. Some of the most prominent ones are:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Jane Eyre is one of the most influential and popular novels of the 19th century. It is a Gothic novel that tells the story of Jane Eyre, an orphan who becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with the mysterious Mr. Rochester.

The Thirteenth Tale draws on and subverts many elements of Jane Eyre, such as:

  • The setting: Both novels are set in isolated and decaying mansions that have secrets and ghosts.

  • The characters: Both novels feature orphaned and plain heroines who have a passion for books and education, as well as brooding and secretive men who have troubled pasts.

  • The plot: Both novels involve mysteries, secrets, lies, fires, madness, and romance.

  • The themes: Both novels explore themes such as identity, family, love, morality, and feminism.

However, The Thirteenth Tale also challenges and criticizes some aspects of Jane Eyre, such as:

  • The narration: Jane Eyre is narrated by Jane herself, who claims to be truthful and honest. The Thirteenth Tale is narrated by Vida Winter, who admits to be untruthful and dishonest.

  • The ending: Jane Eyre ends with Jane marrying Rochester and living happily ever after. The Thirteenth Tale ends with Margaret leaving Vida and living alone.

  • The message: Jane Eyre suggests that love can overcome all obstacles and heal all wounds. The Thirteenth Tale suggests that love can cause more problems and inflict more pain.

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Wuthering Heights is another famous and influential novel of the 19th century. It is a Gothic novel that tells the story of the doomed love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, who grow up together in Wuthering Heights, a remote farmhouse on the moors.

The Thirteenth Tale mirrors and contrasts many elements of Wuthering Heights, such as:

  • The setting: Both novels are set in wild and isolated locations that reflect the characters' emotions and personalities.

  • The characters: Both novels feature passionate and destructive lovers who are haunted by their pasts, as well as innocent and naive narrators who are fascinated by their stories.

  • The plot: Both novels involve family drama, social class, revenge, violence, death, and ghosts.

  • The themes: Both novels explore themes such as nature, identity, love, obsession, and madness.

However, The Thirteenth Tale also differs from Wuthering Heights, such as:

  • The narration: Wuthering Heights is narrated by two outsiders, Lockwood and Nelly Dean, who have limited and biased perspectives on the events. The Thirteenth Tale is narrated by one insider, Vida Winter, who has a direct and personal involvement in the events.

  • The ending: Wuthering Heights ends with Heathcliff and Catherine being reunited in death and their children finding peace and happiness. The Thirteenth Tale ends with Vida and Adeline being separated in death and their children finding more secrets and troubles.

  • The message: Wuthering Heights suggests that love is a powerful and eternal force that transcends life and death. The Thirteenth Tale suggests that love is a fragile and fleeting illusion that can be shattered by life and death.

The Turn of the Screw by Henry James

The Turn of the Screw is a classic novella of the 19th century. It is a Gothic ghost story that tells the story of a governess who is hired to take care of two children in a secluded country house. She soon becomes convinced that the house is haunted by the ghosts of the previous governess and her lover, who corrupted the children.

The Thirteenth Tale creates ambiguity and suspense through unreliable narration and supernatural elements, such as:

  • The setting: Both stories are set in isolated and eerie houses that have a history of violence and death.

  • The characters: Both stories feature young and inexperienced governesses who are obsessed with their charges and their secrets, as well as mysterious and sinister children who may or may not be possessed by evil spirits.

  • The plot: Both stories involve mysteries, secrets, lies, ghosts, madness, and horror.

  • The themes: Both stories explore themes such as innocence, corruption, perception, reality, and fear.

However, The Thirteenth Tale also offers some explanations and resolutions to the questions and mysteries raised by The Turn of the Screw, such as:

  • The narration: The Turn of the Screw is narrated by the governess herself, who may be delusional or unreliable. The Thirteenth Tale is narrated by Vida Winter, who admits to being untruthful or unreliable.

  • The ending: The Turn of the Screw ends with an ambiguous and tragic climax that leaves the reader wondering what really happened. The Thirteenth Tale ends with a clear and shocking revelation that explains what really happened.

  • The message: The Turn of the Screw suggests that there is no definitive answer or solution to the mystery of the ghosts and the children. The Thirteenth Tale suggests that there is a rational and logical answer or solution to the mystery of the twins and the fire.

How can you read The Thirteenth Tale online?

If you are interested in reading The Thirteenth Tale, you might want to know how you can access it online. In this section, we will give you some information and tips on how to find and download the ebook version of the book.

What is an epub file?

An epub file is a type of file format that is designed for ebooks. Epub stands for electronic publication. It is a widely used and supported format that can store text, images, audio, video, and interactive content. It can also adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

An epub file has some advantages over other file formats, such as:

  • It is compatible with most ebook readers, devices, and applications.

  • It is easy to create, edit, and convert.

  • It is flexible and customizable.

  • It is free and open source.

Where can you find The Thirteenth Tale epub file?

If you want to read The Thirteenth Tale online, you will need to find an epub file of the book. There are several sources where you can download or purchase the ebook, such as:

  • Online libraries: Some online libraries offer free access to ebooks, including The Thirteenth Tale. You will need to have a library card or an account to borrow the ebook. Some examples of online libraries are OverDrive, Hoopla, and Libby.

  • Online bookstores: Some online bookstores sell ebooks, including The Thirteenth Tale. You will need to pay a fee and have an account to buy the ebook. Some examples of online bookstores are Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.

  • Online archives: Some online archives provide free access to ebooks, including The Thirteenth Tale. You will not need to have an account or pay a fee to download the ebook. However, you will need to check the legality and quality of the ebook. Some examples of online archives are Internet Archive, Project Gutenberg, and Open Library.

How can you open The Thirteenth Tale epub file?

If you have downloaded or purchased The Thirteenth Tale epub file, you will need to open it with a device or an application that can read epub files. There are many options available, depending on your preference and conveni


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